P. L. Lakhanpal v. Union of India, (SC) BS109946

Before:- M. Hidayatullah, J.M. Shelat and G.K. Mitter, JJ.

Writ Petn. No. 258 of 1966. D/d. 7.3.1967.

P.L. Lakhanpal - Petitioner


Union of India - Respondent

For the Petitioner :- In Person.

For the Respondent :- Mr. R. H. Dhebar, Advocate, for Mr. R. N. Sachthey, Advocate, and Mr. S. S. Javali, Advocate.

Defence of India Rule, 1962, Rules 30 - Detention - Detention Review - Principles of natural justice - Disclosure of material considered not in interest of nation - Remedy - Detenu cannot be deprived of his right of representation.

[Paras 7, 9 and 10]

Cases Referred :-

P.L. Lakhanpal v. Union of India, W. P. No. 47 of 1966, D/19-4-1966: (reported in AIR 1967 Supreme Court 243).

Board of Education v. Rice, 1911 AC 179 at p. 182

Local Government Board v. Arlidge, 1915 AC 120 at p. 132.

Province of Bombay v. Khushaldas S. Advani, 1950 SCR 621 at p. 725.

Nagendra Nath Bora v. Commr. of Hills Division, 1958 SCR 1240.

Radheshyam Khare v. State of Madhya Pradesh 1959 SCR 1440.

Gullapalli Nageswara Rao v. Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation 1959 Supp (1) SCR 319.

Shivji Nathubhai v. Union of India (1960) 2 SCR 775.

Board of High School and Intermediate Education, U. P. v. Ghanshyam, (1962) Supp (3) SCR 36.

Sadhu Singh v. Delhi Administration, AIR 1966 Supreme Court 91.

R. Johnson and Co. Builders) Ltd. v. Minister of Health, 1947-2 All England Reporter 395.


Shelat, J. - The petitioner was arrested by an order, dated December 10, 1965 under Rule 30 (1) (b) of the Defence India Rules, 1962 and was detained in Central Jail, Tehar. New Delhi. On the 24th December 1965, he filed writ petition No. 47 of 1966 in this Court challenging his detention, inter alia, on the grounds that (1) Rule 30 (1) (b) was ultra vires Section 3(2) (15) (i) of the Defence of India Act, (2) that R. 23 of the defence of India (Delhi Detenues) Rules, 1964 gave him a right to make a representation by providing review of the said detention order and that his said right was disregarded by his having been prevented from making such representation (3) that the said order was in breach of Section 44 of the Act, and (4) that it was made in mala fide exercise of power. That petition was dismissed on April, 19, 1966. The petitioner was thereafter served with an order, dated June 11, 1966 passed by the Central Government under Rule 30-A (9) of the said Rules. The said order, inter alia, stated that " the said detention order has been reviewed by the Central Government and upon such review the Central Government hereby decides that Shri P. L. Lakhanpal should continue to be detained with a view to preventing him from acting in any manner prejudicial to the Defence of India and Civil Defence." The petitioner filed Writ Petition No.137 of 1966 challenging the validity of the said original order of detention and the order, dated June 11, 1966. Rule 30-A (9) provides as follows :

2. The petitioner contended:-

In reply to these contentions the counter-affidavit filed by the Deputy Secretary in the Ministry of Home Affairs states that between the 10th of December 1965 and the 2nd of December 1966, the petitioner had made representations either directly or through certain persons and had addressed letters explaining his position that on the basis of those representations and letters and the report about his past activities called for from the police and after considering those materials the Central Government felt satisfied that if the petitioner were to be released, he was likely to resume his prejudicial activities and, therefore, his detention should be continued. The affidavit further alleged that at the time of the review of his case on December 2, 1966 "the said letters, papers, representations and the report from the police were placed before the Minister who had considered the same and he was satisfied that it was necessary to continue the detention of the petitioner . It also stated that it was not possible to disclose to the detenu the material on the basis of which, the Central Government came to the said conclusion, that the order of detention was to prevent the petitioner from indulging in prejudicial activities mentioned in R. 30 (1) (b) and that the apprehension of his indulging in such activities would have to be judged and was judged from representations made by him, it is thus clear from the counter-affidavit that the detaining authority considered (1) the representations and letters made and written by the petitioner, (2) the report of the police authorities in regard to the past activities of the petitioner (there being no question of any present activities as he was in jail since the 2nd of December 1965), and (3) the events which had since his detention taken place. According to the Central Government it came to the decision that continuation of his detention was necessary as it was satisfied that if he were to be released he would continue the same anti-national activities for which he was detained and that his profession that there was a change in his view was only a ruse to get himself released from detention.

3. Now, there is no doubt that under the Act as also under the said Rules the Government is the special forum on whose subjective satisfaction an order of detention for the considerations set out in R. 30 (1)(b) can be made and on whose decision arrived at on the considerations and in the manner prescribed by R. 30-A (9) such detention can be continued. However, as held in P.L. Lakhanpal v. Union of India, Writ Petn. No. 137 of 1966, decided on 21-9-1966 (reported in AIR 1967 Supreme Court 908), there is a difference in the power to detain and the power to continue such detention beyond a period of' six months in that whereas the former depends upon the subjective satisfaction of the detaining authority, the latter has in express terms been made dependent on the existence of facts and circumstances necessitating such continuance. This Court held in that petition:

The Court further observed :

4. The position resulting from this decision is that the decision to continue detention has to be arrived at not subjectively but on an objective standard, i.e., on a decision on materials relevant to the purposes under Rule 30 (1) (b) and R. 30-A (9) gathered by or placed before the detaining authority which, according to that authority, necessitates continuation. Though it is the detaining authority which has to decide and its order is not subject to appeal or revision by a Court of law such an order is liable to a challenge where either such facts and circumstances do not exist or where it is made on the basis of facts or circumstances not relevant or extraneous to the said purposes.

5. On the contentions raised by the petitioner, the question that falls for determination is whether the function entrusted by R. 30-A (9) to the Government and its decision thereunder are judicial or quasi judicial. This question was left open in the earlier judgment in P.L. Lakhanpal v. Union of India, W. P. No. 47 of 1966, D/19-4-1966: (reported in AIR 1967 Supreme Court 243), as the petitioner had then not raised it.

6. As to what is a quasi judicial as against an administrative or ministerial function, it is no longer necessary to go in any detailed search for the principles governing the distinction between the two. Lord Loreburn, L. C. in Board of Education v. Rice, 1911 AC 179 at p. 182, stated,

The Court there held that it was obvious that the Committee when it proceeded to decide matters covered by R. 1 (1) will have to depend upon materials placed before it and before it decided to award any penalty it had to come to an objective determination on certain facts and this was the only manner in which it could carry out the duties imposed on it. Even though there was no lis in the present case in the sense that there were not two contending parties before it the Committee should hear the examinees whose lives might be seriously affected by its decision even subjecting them in some cases to criminal prosecution on charges of impersonation, fraud and perjury Though, therefore, there was nothing express one way or other in the act or the Regulation casting a duty on the Committee to act judicially, the manner of the disposal and the serious effects of the decision of the Committee would lead to the conclusion that a duty to act judicially was cast on the Committee and the Committee when it acted under Rule 1 (1) was acting quasi judicially and the principles of natural justice would apply to its proceedings.

7. Let us now proceed to consider the nature of the function of review and the decision thereon in the light of the principles laid down in these decisions. There can hardly be any doubt that in a case of the kind we have before us there must always occur a dilemma or a conflict between the claims on the one hand of personal liberty of an individual and those of national interest on the other. Nevertheless, it must be remembered that in such cases, the only remedy that a person detained has lies in the procedural safeguards that the legislature deliberately lays down. Where such procedural safeguards have been fully and properly complied with, the Court would have no power or would in any event be reluctant, even if it has, to interfere. That is because of the consideration that national interest and security should have a prior claim than even the personal liberty of an individual who has acted or is likely to act in a manner prejudicial to them. In such cases. however, utmost care has to be taken to comply with such few safeguards which the law justifying the loss of liberty provides. That the impugned decision involves the right of personal liberty, a more cherished right than that one cannot conceive in our democratic State is obvious. It is equally obvious that the manner in which the question of continuation of detention enjoined upon by R. 30-A (9) has to be determined is by applying the objective standard as against the subjective opinion or the belief of the detaining authority, i.e., by weighing evidence brought before or collected by such authority relevant to the purposes under R 30 (1) (b) and R. 30-A (9) and then coming to a decision whether the order of detention needs continuation or not. How can such an authority come to its decision honestly and properly unless it is certain that the materials before it are true and dependable. How is that certainty to be derived unless the person concerned is given an opportunity to correct or contradict such evidence either by explanation or through other materials which he can place before the authority. Keeping in mind the five factors laid down in the case of (1962) Supp (3) SCR 36(supra), the conclusion that we must come to is that the function entrusted to the authority under Rule 30-A (9) as distinguished from the power under Rule 30 (1) (b) is quasi judicial and the decision which it has to arrive at cannot be anything other than a quasi judicial decision.

8. Mr. Dhebar, however, relied on the judgment of Shah, J. in Sadhu Singh v. Delhi Administration, AIR 1966 Supreme Court 91, and especially the observations therein that

The question is: Does it follow that because the first order is purely executive the subsequent order is necessarily also executive? While making the subsequent order, the authority is called upon to decide whether further detention is necessary for the purposes set out in the Rules. That decision has to be arrived at, firstly, on the assessment of the evidence placed before the authority and not on its subjective satisfaction, and secondly, in the light of the facts which existed at the date of the original order and the facts and circumstances which have occurred or developed since then. It is well recognised that a function or power which in its inception is purely ministerial may sometimes become quasi judicial at a latter or some intermediate stage during the course of its exercise. At the stage at which it attains the nature of a quasi judicial function the authority entrusted with that function has to comply with the rules of natural justice and give an opportunity to the party concerned of representing his case. An illustration can be found in R. Johnson and Co. Builders) Ltd. v. Minister of Health, 1947-2 All England Reporter 395, where Lord (Greene, M.R. at p. 401 of the Report points out that the function entrusted to the Minister there was of such a composite character. It started as an administrative function but at the second stage it was quasi judicial where he had to consider the objections of parties, that is, the objectors and the local authority and then, ended as an administrative function when the Minister decided whether to confirm or not to confirm the report of the local authority. Regarding the second stage, he characterised that as a quasi lis and the parties, i.e., objectors and the local authority as quasi parties and said that while that stage was pending statements made by or obtained through either of the quasi parties would have to he disclosed to the other quasi party.

9. To say, therefore, that because a function is in its inception executive in character, it retains the executive character throughout would not with respect be correct. Besides, the function under Rule 30(1)(b) and that under Rule 30-A (9) is not one and the same. The former is completed as soon as an order of detention is made; the latter is independent of the former and is to be exercised after detention has gone on for a period of six months. In our view, whereas the function under Rule 30 (1) (b) is executive, the one under B. 30-A (9) is quasi judicial and, therefore . in exercising it the rules of natural justice have to he complied with.

10. It is admitted that the petitioner was not given any opportunity of representing his case or to correct or contradict the evidence on which the Government was going to rely on and which it admittedly relied on. But Mr. Dhebar's contention was that if the power of decision under Rule 30-A (9) were held to be quasi judicial in character a person detained would be entitled to disclosure of the materials in possession of the Government and on the basis of which the order would be made, that such disclosure would not only be prejudicial to the very purposes of the Act and the Rules but also to national interest and, therefore, the legislature could not have intended such disclosure. The answer to this contention is simple. In some cases, though such cases would be few, such disclosure would perhaps be embarrassing and, we will assume, detrimental to the larger interests of the country. But the proper remedy against such a consequence is not to deny the elemental right of representing his case to the person whose liberty is being deprived but by providing a rule whereunder the authority in suitable cases can claim privilege against such disclosure. Such a provision in fact provided for under Article 22 of the Constitution under the Prevention of Detention Act. There does not appear to be any reason why such a rule cannot be made under the Defence of India Act or the Rules made thereunder.

11. It may be that in the present case the Government had materials before it which might justify the petitioner's detention. We do not know whether it had or not for the only thing that was said in the counter-affidavit was that there were materials on the consideration of which the Minister based his decision. If that be so the proper thing to do was to give a chance to the petitioner to explain them. This not having been done the order of continuation of detention was illegal, it being in breach of the principles of natural justice and has, therefore, to be quashed.

12. In this view, it is not necessary to deal with the rest of the contentions raised by the petitioner. The petition is allowed. The order, dated December 2, 1966 is quashed and the petitioner is directed to be set free forthwith.

Petition allowed