The Cement Marketing Co. of India
P. Box No. 613; Sugar
Company Building, Bangalore-2
You are authorised to sell cement in quantity mentioned below under this authorization. The sale will be a direct deal between yourself and the purchaser. The Government undertakes no responsibility of any nature whatsoever :Name and address of the person in whose favour authorisation is issued. | Name of the cement factory or company required to supply cement. | Quantity. | Name of Rly. Station to which cement is to be booked. | Remarks. |
1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. |
M/s G.S. Duggal and Co. Ltd. Engineers and Contractors, Jalhalli P.O. Bangalore. | Madhukkarai Shahabad | 300 tons | Bangalore |
Sd. C.C. Ramanath.
Reg. Hon. Cement. Adviser (Coimbatore).