Dadabhoy Framji Cama v. Cowasji Dorabji Panday and others (PC) BS284094

Before:-Lords Phillimore And Blanesburgh And Sir John Edge.

Privy Council Appeal No. 112 of 1924, D/d. 24.7.1925.

Dadabhoy Framji Cama - Appellant


Cowasji Dorabji Panday and others - Respondents.

A. Succession Act, 1865, Section 84


Lord Phillimore - Their Lordships have followed with care and with interests the very careful arguments put before them on both sides in this case, and in the circumstances they do not think it necessary to reserve consideration of the case in order to write an elaborate judgment. They think that the same conclusion which the Courts below have arrived at might possibly have been reached by simpler methods" but however that may be they see no reason to differ from the construction put upon this section in both Courts below, and therefore their Lord ships will humbly advise His Majesty that the principal appeal should be dismissed.

2. As to the cross-appeal :

3. With regard to the costs :

4. Their Lordships will humbly advise His Majesty accordingly.

Appeal and cross-appeal dismissed.