Almitra H. Patel v. U.O.I. (S.C.) BS490180

Before:- B.N. Kirpal, Shivaraj V. Patil and P. Venkatarama Reddi, JJ.

W.P. (C) No. 888 of 1996. D/d. 5.9.2001.

Almitra H. Patel and another - Petitioners


U.O.I. and others - Respondents

Environment and Pollution - Urban solid Waste Management - Matter adjourns to 24th September, 2001.

[Para 1]


1. Mr. Gopal Jain has filed suggestions on the basis of which directions may be issued to all the States and the local bodies. Mr. A.D.N. Rao on behalf of the Union of India wants timeto consider the same. On his request, the matter is adjourned to 24th September, 2001 as last item. If any of the other counsel have any suggestions, the same can be made to Mr. Gopal Jain.
