This is an application preferred by the State of State of Madhya Pradesh to fill up the vacant undergraduate Medical and Dental seats (as on 30.09.2013) of State quota in Government and also in Private Medical and Dental Colleges by granting ten days extra time. 2. Reference was made to the additional affidavit filed on behalf of the State of Madhya Pradesh (Annexure-P/6 at page 48) which indicates that, as on 30.09.2013, 22 seats were available for the MBBS Course. 3. Learned senior counsel appearing for the Association submitted that the entire 22 seats have been filled up by the Management on 30.09.2013 itself. 4. Learned senior counsel appearing for the State of Madhya Pradesh submitted that the Management has no right to fill up those seats, since those seats are meant to be filled up by the State Government. Learned senior counsel also submitted that the Management, therefore, legally obliged to release those seats to the State Government, in the next year. 5. This aspect will be considered by us at length after ensuing Dussehra vacation. Post on 12.11.2013 (NMD). Parties are allowed to file further pleadings. .